At Coco’s Childcare
We know that finding the right childcare service for your child is very important and a challenging decision to make. We also understand that it is important that you feel secure and that your child’s need will be met when leaving them in the care of others. Coco’s Childcare has been developed with all of this in mind.
Our aim is to provide a high standard childcare setting, which promotes optimal development for each child and supports parents and families. This, we feel leads to a positive start to lifelong learning. Our aim is to encourage a happy, safe, child-led and secure environment for our children to grow and learn. At Coco’s Childcare we believe in providing a fully inclusive service which promotes equality and diversity.
We believe that the early years are the most critical in a child’s life. We hope to prepare each child for life ahead, within a stimulating and child-led setting. We encourage positive attitudes to self and others, this leads to self-confidence and positive self-esteem, helping the child to achieve their best.
“Our greatest natural resource is in the minds of our children”
– Walter Elias Disney
Our Rooms
Baby Room
In the Baby Room, we want to create an environment both inviting and nurturing to the children.
Wobbler Room
In the Wobbler Room, we recognise the importance of supporting and encouraging the child’s communication skills as well as their gross and fine motor skills.
Toddler Room
The Toddler Room promotes both independence and a sense of responsibility.
Montessori Room
In the Montessori Room, we aim to build confidence, continue each child’s journey to independence and develop strong and trusting relationships with both peers and teachers alike.
The Garden
The Garden area is so important for the overall development of children. It is vital that fresh air and physical play is part of a child’s daily life.
Talk to Us
If you have any questions about what’s best for your child, please don’t hesitate to drop us an email or pick up the phone for a chat.